Meet Natasha


Like many nonprofit founders, I know firsthand the mixture of joy and anxiety that comes with building something meaningful from scratch. As the Founder of Bravehearted Consulting, I draw from my own journey of starting, growing, and – yes – eventually letting go of a growing organization. When I co-founded The Landing, an anti-human trafficking nonprofit, I experienced all the late nights, tough decisions, and incredible victories that come with growing a mission from zero to a $1 million budget in less than five years.

But here’s the thing – the most valuable lessons came not just from our successes, but from the moments I wished I had done things differently. That’s exactly why I created Bravehearted Consulting. And because I know every founder’s journey is unique, I’ve brought together an incredible team of nonprofit leaders who’ve successfully navigated their own transitions. Together, we share our diverse experiences – both triumphs and challenges – to help other passionate nonprofit leaders create lasting impact.

My background in marketing (UT Austin) and public policy (USC), along with my experience as a Certified StoryBrand Guide and co-founder of Solace Media, has taught me that sustainability isn’t just about operations – it’s about telling your story in a way that connects deeply with supporters. Today – alongside my sister, I’m producing a feature-length documentary about obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), because I believe in the power of authentic storytelling to create change – whether related to mental health or poverty.

When I’m not working with amazing nonprofit leaders, you’ll find me enjoying time with my husband Sunny and our two children, or taking a peaceful jog around the lake to clear my head and dream up new ways to help organizations I work with. I believe every nonprofit leader deserves the peace of mind that comes from knowing their mission will continue to transform lives long after they’ve moved on – and I’m here to help make that happen.

Natasha Paradeshi


Why Bravehearted?

Because nonprofit leadership embodies the remarkable fusion of courage and compassion. It takes tremendous heart to dedicate yourself to a mission and courage to navigate the challenges of growing and sustaining an organization. Your bravery and compassion inspired the name Bravehearted and drives my commitment to supporting leaders like you.